Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Did Thomas Jefferson Out-Federalize the Federalist Essay

Thomas Jefferson who was the 3rd president of United States of America is the one of the most important people in American history. He joined 1st and 2nd Continental Congress and he wrote the Declaration of Independence with John Adams and Benjamin Franklin. After Alexader Hamilton made and became the Federalist party which believed in strong center government, he made Democratic-Republican party which believed in individual states power and became the leader of Democratic-Republican. On 1800, he won the election against John Adams, which is known as peaceful transferring of power. Everybody knows that he is a Democratic-Republican, but he did many things that Federalist would’ve done and even â€Å"outfederalized† them. When Thomas Jefferson became the 3rd president of USA, people thought he is going to fire all the federalists from the government. However, he didn’t fire anybody just because they are the Federalists. He actually tried to adopt a lot of Federalist’s opinion to reduce the differences between Democratic-Republican and Federalist. Eventually, he out-federalize the federalists by taking Federalist’s argument that was strong enough to be supported by public citizen and were best fir the common good. Next, without any opposition, he allowed to have national bank. The Democratic-Republican didn’t agree with the national bank because the constitutional says that do not specifically grant power to Congress to create one.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Fair Value Accounting Essay

This paper attempts to answer the question: â€Å"Is it reasonable to blame fair value accounting for any of the Wall Street mess? † This paper in effect settle whether the use of fair value accounting by listed companies in the major stock exchanges in the US, particularly those found in Wall Street, which the caused fall in prices of the stocks of these companies, was required of companies without justification; hence, it should be blamed for the mess. 2. Analysis and Discussion Any mess in the Wall Street is defined for this paper as one causing the stock prices of companies list in major stock exchanges of the US to fall and that it resulted to losses to investors. To have reasonable basis to blame fair value accounting for any Wall Street mess, does not simply mean that fair value accounting was the necessary cause of fall in the prices of corporate stocks but that the requirement of fair value accounting must not be fair. The question that must be decided therefore is whether fair value accounting is fair as basis of valuing corporate assets, liabilities and equity. A situation or condition is fair if it gives what is due to a person. If the concept of fair value is used in the context of an asset purchased or liability assumed in business, fair value implies that said asset or liability must neither be overpriced nor underpriced whether perceived or otherwise. The law of economics would have fair value as one representing that market price or that equilibrium price of a product or service (Samuelson and Nordhaus, 1992) which is also the value of something from a seller that is not forced to sell or from a buyer that is not forced to buy. Investors, creditors, and other persons expect to be treated fairly as they enter into transactions in terms of value that they will give in exchange to what they will receive. To illustrate, a person or company planning to invest in stocks will appreciate what is fair if the said person or company will earn sufficient return above cost of capital in exchange for the risks being faced by such person or company (Brigham, 2002). To have what is fair, the investors must know the accurate and reliable information about of the company to guide them about their chances of gaining or losing money. These users deserve to have the opportunity to have the true or accurate value of asset, liability or equity being dealt with in a business transaction as basis for valuing the stocks that they will invest with. Financial reports prepared companies, as guided by Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) accounting standard under fair value accounting, will provide these users the opportunity. Specifically, fair value accounting was made pursuant to FAS 157 as issued by US FASB for companies to reflect the accounting information on the real values of assets, liabilities and equity in the balance sheet as contrasted with presenting the information using the historical cost accounting (Meigs and Meigs, 1995). A group of analysts and portfolio managers actually formed part of those who influenced the passage of the fair value accounting for more relevant information in decision making (Chasan, 2008). Under FAS 157 defines fair value is defined as the price that would be received â€Å"to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants in a measurement date† (Sortur, 2007). If companies have restated their financial statements from historical cost accounting to fair value accounting, the purpose was laudable since in simple terms, the intention is to make the information more relevant, more accurate and more reliable for decision makers. If stockholders got affected in terms of lower price of stocks as a result of restatement of financial statements, the error was when they were made the purchase of their investments under the historical cost accounting. Since fair value accounting may also increase the value of the stocks if fair value is higher than cost, it could not be asserted that it should be blamed for the fall of prices but not praised for increased in price increase of stock prices. 3. Conclusion It can be concluded that it is not reasonable to blame fair value accounting for any of the Wall Street mess since fair value accounting is only bringing out what is fair to investors who deserved to know accurate and reliable information for making decisions. Fair value accounting is an accounting standard made by FASB that was made as a requirement from the corporation which must present truthful and reliable information for investors. As an alternative to historical value of accounting, fair value is expected to have present company more reliable information about their assets and liabilities in accordance with market prices. Its implementation may have caused companies to present their financial information and if the information presented were more truthful, the consequence of causing problems to companies should only be secondary to the purpose of providing objective and more reliable financial information. Any fall in stock prices from Wall Street may in fact have been caused by companies having to restate their financial statement pursuant to fair value accounting but the intention was to reflect to truer value of assets and liabilities of the corporations whose stocks got affected. Losers should not blame fair value accounting since the latter is just a guide to have more truthful information and they would have a change also of higher stock prices under fair value if warranted by market forces. If there was no basis for such more truthful information, then restatements of financial information using fair value would not have been made in the first place. If buyers and sellers are not being compelled to complete their transaction, fair value accounting must be held as fair and cannot be blamed for the mess. In fact, fair value accounting should have been introduced years ago for it could have saved some abuse and a lot of problems (Rees-Mogg, 2007). References: Brigham and Houston (2002), Introduction to Financial Management, Thomson-South Western, USA, 2002 Chasan, Emily (2008), Is fair value accounting really fair? {www document} URL, http://www. reuters. com/article/reutersEdge/idUSN1546484120080226, Accessed November 21, 2008 Meigs and Meigs (1995), Financial Accounting, McGraw-Hill, Inc, London, UK Rees-Mogg (2007), Why FAS 157 strikes dread into bankers, {www document} URL http://www. timesonline. co. uk/tol/comment/columnists/william_rees_mogg/article2852547. ece, Accessed November 21, 2008. Samuelson and Nordhaus (1992), Economics, McGraw-Hill, Inc, London, UK Sortur (2007) Fair Value Measurement, The Chartered Accountant {www document} URL, http://icai. org/resource_file/96471564-1574. pdf, Accessed November 21, 2008

Mr Abhi Essay

Haagen-Dazs target consumers are the younger generation which are fashionable and in the â€Å"income pyramid peak† which looking for the â€Å"excellent ice cream†. . In positioning the target market, for example, Haagen-Dazs’s China Road continued its inception marketing strategies. In the time when many competitors considered that China’s domestic market is caught in a price war, Haagen-Dazs entrust on its excellent sensitivity and marketing tools, opened up a high-end market. Thereafter, a precise understanding of consumer’s psychology is indispensable. Before Haagen-Dazs entering into new market areas, Haagen-Dazs does careful analysis of the domestic consumers; this eventually provides better assistance for marketing and branding. Haagen-Dazs apportion to retain key customers. Protects is customers and win the consumers equally important, Haagen-Dazs leave its high-end customers to a smaller target consumer crowd. Therefore, most of their marketing and advertising is print ads, and published within certain media. It do not only save costs, or enhance advertising effects. Simultaneously, Haagen-Dazs also selectively cut the other retail channels to expand their retail side and reach the home ice cream market. Haagen-Dazs advertise the lifestyle of â€Å"enjoy the perfect†, to inspire people to buy high quality of life. While in arrangement of ice cream, Haagen-Dazs join importance to make an environment in which the taste of Haagen-Dazs ice cream has become a memorable experience: this is the so called â€Å"Haagen-Daz moment†. Haagen-Dazs propose various flavors of ice cream, which is designed to approach the need of dissimilar tastes and every with a intention to give to costumer to enjoy the amazing taste. International Environment Internal Environment This refers to factors existing within a marketing firm. They are also called as controllable factors, because the company has control over these factors : a) it can alter or modify factors as its personnel, physical facilities, organization and function means, such as marketing mix, to suit the environment. The factors the affect Haagen-Dazs are: Top Management : The organizational structure, Board of Director, professionalization of management.. etc.. Factors like the amount of support the top management enjoys from different levels of employees, shareholders and Board of Directors have important influence on the marketing decisions and their implementation. Finance and Accounting: Accounting  refers to measure of  revenue and costs to help the marketing and to know how well it is achieving its objectives. Finance refers to funding and using funds to carry out the marketing plan. Financial factors are financial polices, financial position and capital structure. Research and Development : Research and Development refers to designing the product safe and attractive. They are technological capabilities, determine a company ability to innovate and compete. Manufacturing : It is responsible for producing the desired quality and quantity of products. Factors which influence the competitiveness of a firm are production capacity technology and efficiency of the productive apparatus, distribution logistics etc. , Purchasing : Purchasing refers to procurement of goods and services from some external agencies. It is the strategic activity of the business. Company Image and Brand Equity : The image of the company refers in raising finance, forming joint ventures or other alliances soliciting marketing intermediaries, entering purchase or sales contract, launching new products etc. External Environment External factors are beyond the control of a firm, its success depends to a large extent on its adaptability to the environment. The environmental factors that are in its proximity. The factors influence the company’s non-capacity to produce and serve the market. The factors are : 1) Suppliers: The suppliers to a firm can also alter its competitive position and arketing capabilities. These are raw material suppliers, energy suppliers, suppliers of labor and capital. According to michael Porter, the relationship between suppliers and the firm epitomizes a power equation between them. This equation is based on the industry condition and the extent to which each of them is dependent on the other. The bargaining power of the supplier g ets maximized in the following situations: a) The seller firm is a monopoly or an oligopoly firm. b) The supplier is not obliged to contend with other substitute products for sale to the buyer group. c) The buyer is not an important customer. ) The suppliers’ product is an important input to the buyer’s business and finished product. e) The supplier poses a real threat of forward integration. 2) Market Intermediaries : Every producer has to have a number of intermediaries for promoting, selling and distributing the goods and service to ultimate consumers. These intermediaries may be individual or business firms. These intermediaries are middleman (wholesalers, retailers, agent’s etc. ), distributing agency market service agencies and financial institutions. 3) Customers : The customers may be classified as : ) Ultimate customers: These customers may be individual and householders. b) Industrial customers: These customers are organization which buy goods and serv ices for producing other goods and services for the purpose of other earning profits or fulfilling other objectives. c) Resellers:  They are the intermediaries who purchase goods with a view to resell them at a profit. They can be wholesalers, retailers, distributors, etc. d) Government and other non-profit customers: These customers purchase goods and services to those for whom they are produced, for their consumption in most of the cases. ) International customers: These customers are individual and organizations of other countries who buy goods and services either for consumption or for industrial use. Such buyers may be consumers, producers, resellers, and governments. f )Competitors: Competitors are those who sell the goods and services of the same and similar description, in the same market. Apart from competition on price, there are like product differentiation. Therefore, it is necessary to build an efficient system of marketing. This will bring confidence and better resul ts. g) Public:  It is uty of the company to satisfy the people at large along with its competitors and the consumers. It is necessary for future growth. The action of the company do influence the other groups forming the general public for the company. A public is defined as ‘any group that has an actual or potential interest in or impact on a company’s ability to achieve its objective. ’ Public relations are certainly a broad marketing operation which must be fully taken care of. International Market Entry Mode Haagen Dazs has franchises throughout US and many other countries around the world. Haagen Dazs is using Franchise mode to enter the market across oversea by set up Haagen Dazs shop in many countries. Franchising mode is form of licensing whereby the franchisor ( the seller ) gives the franchisee ( the overseas buyer ) the legal right to undertake business in a specified manner under the franchisor’s name as Haagen Dazs brand in return for royalty payment usually in the form of percentage of sales ( IM study guide, 2011 ). Haagen Dazs franchising spread to North and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Middle East . It also provides franchising in many local locations in each country. Likewise, Haagen Dazs franchisee is also distribute Haagen Dazs ice cream product in the retail store, convenience store and supermarket. In my opinion, Haagen Dazs is choosing the correct entry mode to expose Haagen Dazs ice cream over many countries around the world. Franchise is the best way for Haagen Dazs to enter the international market because ice cream is like food or beverage product that it taste need to be standard as it original company like it own Haagen Dazs. By using Franchise, Franchisor teaches Franchisee on how to make Haagen Dazs ice cream, serving service and run the business to be the same as its original Haagen Dazs in the US. Additionally, ice cream product has short shelf life, not even in 1 day which needs to keep the product only in the cold place otherwise it is melting very easily. To compare with other product that has long shelf life upon 6 months – 1 year or above 1 year such as beer product, this kind of product is appropriate to use direct exporting. International Competitive Strategy And finally the stratergy of Haagen Dazs marketing: Positioning and Target Haagen-Dazs tagets a niche market segment with high income. Haagen-Dazs is positionned with a strong differentiation regarding its competitors, and this was strengthened by the identification of the product in the category of luxury items. The brand is classified in the premium quality ice cream without coloring agents nor additives, with ingredients flavored naturally (Vanilla of Madagascar, Belgian chocolate, strawberries), selected inclusions (pecan nut, fresh grilled almonds, cookies of California), specific know-how and obsession of the quality. Product policy * brand name and product name are the same * packaging easily recognizable * Haagen Dazs acts on three segments: the jars of 500ml, the mini-jars of 100ml and the huge sticks. * Haagen Dazs has introduced innovation into its products policy: flavors that differentiate the brand from its competitors. Price policy * Coherent with its positioning as a luxury ice cream * Price 2 – 3 times more expensive than competitors * Price in France twice the one of the USA Distribution policy * Exclusive shops: Stores, tea lounge * Hypermarkets Partnerships: Restaurants, coffee shops, airlines, entertainment companies (Disneyland) Communication policy * Sponsorship in big events: Roland Garros, Cannes festival, Trophy Lancome * Use of fashion principles in advertisements (collection spring and summer): coherence with luxury brand positioning The International Marketing Mix Haagen Danz launched with the aim of creating a ‘super -premium’ ice cream so they achieved it by using marketing with the 4P’s : Product, Price, Promotion, Place. Marketing mix of Haagen Danz: Product: High quality: Most people see the product with good package and good quality. There are many kinds of flavor and customer can choose what they like with different taste and different package. There are types of product like classic flavors, limited editions, gelato,sorbet,frozen yogurt,cups,bars. -Finest Ingredients: The ingredients was fine that lot of people can taste the different flavor on what they choose. They also include special ingredients in the menu like banana split ice cream. so they put extra banana with ice cream and other toppings. It will good to let the customer try the new ingredients. Price: -Set high to give exlusive image: It includes with goods image with high quality of product. They also pay for the package which has been offered in good shape when customer want to take away. So the seller must set a high price and also match with the other competitors. Promotion: -Glossy magazines: Usually most teenagers buy magazines. So the seller of haagen danz can promote it by putting some small brochure so everyone know more about haagen Danz and new type of flavour. Word of mouth: After customer eat haagen danz and they like it, he/she will tell to his/her friend that the ice cream is nice. So it spreads to other people and to the other country. It will help to make haagen danz more popular. -Free Samples: When customer do not know what flavour they want to choose, the seller can give free samples so that the customer know which taste is good and they will buy it. It the best way for them to try and it will sat isfy them. -Adverts next to exclusive brands: They can promote or advertise in the TV to show large audiences about haagen danz. So many people can see why they like it and it will be useful to let them know. Place: -Only in exclusive locations: They put in a place where lot of people are around. For example, inside the mall or popular place. Because when customer pass by the store of haagen danz, they can buy it. It also can put in the store so that customer can easily buy what they like. The distribution of haagen danz: First, they need to make an arragement to come up with an agreement with other countres for their product to be distributed internationally. They need to discuss about the marketing mix( product, price, promotion,place). Second, they produce the ice cream from the factory. They will divide different flavor in different factories. The workers need to design the package of the product. There are different types of shape for the package( small size, large size). Then, they put the ice cream inside the package. Third, they need to distribute specific packages to specific destination. Then the retailer(distributor) of the country in which the product is being exported to, must pay for the shipment and supply into which the entire hipment of the product will be stored or delivered into a storage house, where it will be distributed again to other retailers in different locations in that specific country Fourth, the retailer can start to sale the product to the customer. They retailer can be place in popular place where lot of people are around. They can promote to the customer so that it will help to attract other people. Last, the customer can choose whether they buy the product or not. It according to the customer mood,taste and loyalty. They can try the flavor before they buy the products like free samples. So if they like it, they will buy the ice-cream. Customers are interested to the product of design and images. References Justhaagendasz (2012) â€Å" market strategies† available from: http://justhaagendazs. wordpress. com/market-strategies/ Justhaagendasz (2012) â€Å"Products† by Kapferer (1997) available from: http://justhaagendazs. wordpress. com/products/ HAAGEN-DASZ. COM (2011) â€Å"SHOPS† AVAILABLE FROM http://shops. haagen-dazs. com/ http://brand-audit. blogspot. sg Wikipedia of Haagen Dazs

Monday, July 29, 2019

Analysis on efficiency of Chinese commercial banks Research Proposal

Analysis on efficiency of Chinese commercial banks - Research Proposal Example A series of banking reforms have been implemented in China since 1979. These reforms aim to create a safe and sound system of banking within the country (Dong, 2009). The structural and institutional arrangements characterizing the banking sector in China as well as the banking reforms implemented in China in the past 20 years will provide the background and foundation of the study(Dong, 2009). The researcher felt that for efficiency to be discussed in-depth, it may be necessary for historical antecedents and facilitators of the same to be analyzed in order to provide the reader with a wealth of information. In the last 40 years, financial sectors across the globe have witnessed substantial developments(Dong, 2009). The change in the operating environment of banks has had significant implications for the business activities of banks as well as their economic role. Globalization, deregulation, technological progress and financial innovation to mention but a few have all gradually reduced the cost of processing and transmitting information which have been major forces impacting the performance of the international banking sector. Since the embarking of the open door policy in 1979, the Chinese banking sector has witnessed gradual yet notable reforms(Dong, 2009). A key objective of the said reforms implemented by the government was to build a competitive, effective and stable banking system to improve reliability and efficiency. The reforms aimed at moving the country from a planned economy supplemented with market elements to a socialist market economy. The Chinese government deregulated and liberalized operations in the Chinese banking sector as part of national reforms in the economy. The program applied includes among others the establishment of a double-tier system, separation of the lending policy form commercial

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Class oberservation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Class oberservation - Essay Example progressive education for our society. I went to the Academy of Saint Joseph Catholic School in Brentwood New York to observe first graders. I would have to say it was a great experience. Before I entered the class room, I had a conversation with the principal, Sister Kerry. She explained to me that each teacher had their own style of teaching and were allowed to express themselves in any way possible to get their children to learn. One thing that was extremely obvious was their school philosophy. As soon as you entered the school, there was an extremely large poster board. The underlying philosophy and rules of the organization of an idealistic system were very clear. It was a list of the things that they believed in, and what they wanted the children to focus on. Keeping all these in mind, I entered the class room where I was introduced to Ms. McGeiald. Once again the children were as cute as a button. I arrived early so the class was just getting started. The teacher explained to me that the children were working on their diaries – writing down complete sentences of the things they did over the holidays. At the beginning of the year, they started out with one sentence and now they were up to five.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

ITM Innovation Technology Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

ITM Innovation Technology Management - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that the study of the innovation process in and amongst organizations has evolved as a multi-disciplinary endeavor. Innovation is the process of making changes to sumfink established by introducing sumfink new that adds value to customers and contributes to the knowledge store of the organization. One can use all they need to introduce some advancement and innovation, yet one cannot promise achievement. In today’s world, some companies are striving hard to bring sumfink innovative in the market or introduce some innovation in their existing products. As the market has become more competitive over the past few years that businesses now have to focus much on the changing trends of innovations, whether its technologies or strategic plans of some companies. Companies are much more likely to gain the positive response from the consumers if they fulfill the demands of the customers. However, many companies still avoid from going to any inn ovation process as they think that the unique or new change might not be acceptable to their customers. Nonetheless, there are many companies who thought out of the box and introduced such amazing products and services in the market and within their organizations that they are now counted amongst the top 10 innovative companies of the world. No wonder, every company would have to pass through some experiences, both negative and positive but the ones who surpassed the hard times and took the risks are now the ones who are the most appreciated amongst their customers.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Evolve Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Evolve - Article Example The worst decision that a company can make is to the same. However, maintaining the current business framework might have short-term benefits as it may help the company survive in the foreseen future. This however fails to generate the competitive advantage that is important for the long- term survival of the business. The bottom line is that companies need to change to ensure their prolonged survival through the recession. Companies are going through the worst recession in history and the only way they can survive through it is by changing the methods they use to carry out business. This also enables the company to gain a competitive advantage over its rivals in the market. Forces of globalization, increasing competition, changing customer needs and scarcity of resources have been mounting increasing pressure on businesses in the modern world to evolve (Pentilla, 2009). Generally, introducing and managing change in companies can be difficult. Therefore, companies need to be equipped with the necessary tools and adopt appropriate mechanisms effectively implement the change and adopt a new style of doing things. There are seven steps that can be followed by companies in the process to change their game. The first step is getting comfortable with the chaos in the current business environment. The forces of globalization and technological advancements lead to regular economic turbulence. This step begins by accepting that there is need to change the way things are done within an entity. It is important to note that there are continuous disruptions between periods of prosperity and economic downturns and companies cannot forecast when they are bound to occur. It is therefore important for companies to keep up with market trends and make relevant changes in their business model (Pentilla, 2009). The second step in effectively changing a company’s game is by reevaluating the customers’ values. The economic recession has led to a drastic change in the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Film review fido Movie Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Film fido - Movie Review Example I enjoyed the film due to its unpredictability nature. It has a lot of suspense in it, and the overall movie itself is interesting (humorous). For instance, humor exists when the government comes up with a remote control system of switching off and controlling the zombies (Currie). The major characters of the film are Timmy, Fido, and Hellen. Timmy is a malicious and inhuman character. She kills the zombified next-door neighbor; an act that causes the outbreak whereby many people within the area turn into zombies. The minor characters include Cindy Bottoms, Jonathan Bottoms, Theopolis, and many others (Currie). Generally, the major characters are associated with an anti-societal practice of supporting the zombie practices. The minor characters, on the other hand, are against the infestation of the society by the zombies. The minor characters influence and support the major characters by going against their plans and wishes, thus completing the plot of the film. Action is one of the main techniques that have been used in the movie. It is portrayed when Fido is killing the next-door neighbor (Currie). The technique ensures that the movie maintains its nature, that is, the horror character in it. It also ensures that the plot of the movie is maintained, thus enhancing the theme of the movie. Finally, it depicts the editor’s ability of using various movie techniques and picture and image editing styles. The film is based on a story. It has fulfilled and portrayed the literary work successfully using certain devices such as flashbacks, contrast, and

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Five aspects of language knowledge Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Five aspects of language knowledge - Essay Example It is necessary to emphasize that there are several phonemes that may not occur in children’s native language. That is why there can be some difficulties in the process of language learning. In this case, a teacher should create a good instruction to make students familiar with all new sounds. A child’s brain is trained to systemize all sounds according to the categories common for native language. This fact frequently conflicts with English phonemes. To make the lessons more effective and involve the students in active participation a teacher should apply games, songs and poems. It is proved that children percept information better through such methods, especially when they learn a language. It is difficult for a student to learn phonics of a new language if they are not good at their native one. They cannot understand initial concepts of the correlation between phonemes and graphemes. There is also the list of vocabulary that is applied to communicate by means of a ce rtain language. It has been already proved that children learn their vocabulary by means of three ways: 1) active reading on their own, 2) listening to adults and 3) with the help of interaction with adults. Child’s language development may affect a teacher’s methodologies. They are different on various levels of student’s knowledge. Moreover, both delayed development and fluency relate to the acquisition of written knowledge. They also require changing the methods for language

Apple INC Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Apple INC - Essay Example most of these factors are caused by the fact that there are many countries which are involved in the manufacture of Apple’s products. While most of the manufacturing activities take place in Japan, assembling activities take place in Europe and the United States. This process can be affected in terms of transport across borders considering that situation in one country have a bearing on the activities of Apple products in other counties (Porter, 1985). The PESTEL analysis of Apple Inc. can be understood as following. Most of the operations of Apple are done outside America. This implies that the overall performance of the company is prone to problems raised by bad international relations such as war of terrorism, political issues, and geopolitical instabilities, natural and man-made disasters (Apple Inc. 2008). Other problems are caused by distribution and transport issues between the two counties which can disrupt the whole operations. Such international challenges which are beyond the control of the company are common in Apple (Bright Hub, 2010). The economic factors affecting Apple Inc. are attributed to the depression which caused immense negative effects on most sectors of the economy (Business Case Studies, 2012). The rise in the inflation rate has led to overall reduction in the purchasing power of consumers. Most countries where Apple operates experience economic problems such as inflation, unemployment and slow growth. USA and Europe are experiencing high rates of unemployment recently which reduced the sales of their technological products (Marketing Magazine, 2005). Globalization has positive effects on Apple Inc. this is because technology is very influential in promotion of globalization. As such, Apple is able to market and promote most of its products globally. Furthermore, the MP3 sector of Apple enables it to cater for a wide market since the social influence is positively

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Media Project Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Media Project - Movie Review Example Primal kinds of feeling are direct to commercial purposes. Therefore, it’s very hard to find a society without the contemporary discourse in presenting the truth or lies. From the second question, it’s true that Mayors signifies images as the basis of thinking. In a way, images displace the palpable physical reality. Miller brings out the concept called double think. This implies to how media images are approached by the people. He means that people on one hand knows what they see which falsity or propaganda is of images advertising and is not true. One sees through the image and thinks that it does not affect them particularly but yet with another part of their mind, they buy into it blindly. In the third question, the status of the ideal in the contemporary society is finding solutions on how to move from its current state through their way of thinking. In the ideal society, the culture has been consumed by the propaganda in the western society. Lots of repeated images with the illiterate society has slowly integrated into the day to day lives of people and become part of their culture. This has affected the level of culture of people through the onslaught embedded in images. In the fourth question, myth in the postmodern society has grown its roots that involves with advanced market economies in entering into a new era. Through the images in the advertising economies, postmodernism have dominated especially in the western culture. Postmodernism has been felt throughout the world by the influence of economic cultural and political in western countries. Through the primal feeling, images have created the reality hence facilitating postmodernism, and this hinders the societies’ intellectual thinking. In question five, the postmodern society is democratic as the consumer can choose over a variety of goods but no specific people representing the citizens choosing for the

Monday, July 22, 2019

Casing Research Essay Example for Free

Casing Research Essay PLYWOOD Plywood is a manufactured board. It is used to case speakers. Birch-faced ply is a light coloured, high-quality plywood that colour-stains and varnishes easily. CHIPBOARD Chipboard is also a manufactured board. It is cheap and will not warp or curl. Chipboard comes in two forms, plain and woodgrain, both of which are usually coated in plastic foil or veneered to improve the finish and looks. MDF MDF (Medium Density Fibreboard) is another manufactured board. It used to fabricate boxes, and close-textured MDF is cut and sanded to make moulds for vacuum forming plastics. MDF must be glued using PVA carefully and precisely, and requires coating with paint many times to give a good finish, as it absorbs liquids readily. Mild Steel Mild steel can be found in many different forms. Sheet steel, for example, is made into casings and a variety of brackets an fixings. Bright drawn steel is made into round, square, tubular, angled and flat bar versions. Mild steel can be cut and shape into components that are to be permanently fixed to the product. This is done by welding, brazing and using silver solder. Aluminium Aluminium is a light metal in its elemental form. It comes in sheet, bright drawn and mild forms (similar to steel) and can be cast. If a strong lightweight product is needed, aluminium is the only choice. Aluminium can be joined using nuts and bolts, rivets or epoxy resin glue. Aluminium also is superior, in terms of lifespan, to steel because it has an outer layer of aluminium oxide that prevents it from corroding for a long time. Casing Research There are many types of plastics used and many forms of manufacture used to construct both industrial and small-scale casings. The two most relevant to my project are acrylics and polystyrene. ACRYLIC Acrylic is a rigid, strong and smooth-looking plastic. It comes in many colours and forms (e.g. Cast Acrylic). It is durable (10 times the impact resistance of glass), and therefore suitable for outdoor use. Acrylics non-toxic properties make it safe to be used with food or made into a toy; however, in the unlikely event that it is broken, it will splinter and expose sharp points. Acrylic becomes malleable when heated and can be easily machined. It is also possible to cement pieces of acrylic together using methylene chloride glue. When polished, acrylic must be handled carefully as its surface dents and scratches easily. POLYSTYRENE Polystyrene comes in many forms. One such form is a thin sheet of polystyrene that is used in vacuum forming machines to fabricate a casing. It has a low melting point and is fairly weak, but unlike acrylic it is not brittle. Polystyrene is also an excellent insulator, minimising any chance of electrocution by the product. It can be cut and assembled rapidly, but it takes time, precision care and effort to manufacture a quality product casing. Plastic casings can be made in a variety of ways. Injection moulding is the most common method of manufacturing casings in industry. The machine makes a casing in three stages: Step 1: The mould is warmed and the thermoplastic substance is placed in the heating chamber. Step 2: The thermoplastic is melted and then pushed into the mould by the plunger, which maintains the pressure for a set dwell time to prevent shrunk or hollow products from being formed by stopping any molten plastic from returning to the chamber. Step 3: When the plastic has solidified, it is removed from the mould by hand or by a mechanism built in the machine (this is more likely to be found in industry). Casing Research Vacuum forming is more likely to be used on a smaller scale (e.g. in schools) to produce casings, but is used in industry to make egg boxes and food containers. There is a range of vac. forming machines, but every one works from the same principle and is designed to: 1. Seal a plastic sheet on to the vac. chamber. 2. Heat the plastic sheet. 3. Create a vacuum so air pressure presses the heated plastic over the mould. The vac. forming process occurs like so: Step 1 The plastic sheet is clamed on top of the machine, resting on the heat resistant silicone rubber pads, after the mould of the desired shape has been placed on the raising platform inside the machine. Step 2 A heating element is pulled across the top of the plastic sheet, heating it until it crinkles, then becomes taught again. Step 3 The platform is raised, and the mould is pushed into the plastic. Step 4 The air is then pumped out of the chamber, and air pressure (now greater than inside the machine) presses the sheet over the mould. Step 5 The sheet is removed from the machine (assisted using a taper, which angles all vertical sides of the casing). Excess plastic is trimmed from the casing. The mould is usually constructed from layers of MDF. It is solid because air pressure given no resistance can crush hollow moulds. If the mould is too far down, webbing (plastic sticking together in corners) occurs, not leaving enough plastic to give a full coating on the mould. The mould is smoothed to avoid bumps and lines on the casing. Air pockets are prevented by drilling holes in the mould, allowing excess air to flow into the vacuum.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Logistics Performance Indicators And Importance Commerce Essay

The Logistics Performance Indicators And Importance Commerce Essay Logistics encompasses a complex set of activities which require a collection of metrics to adequately measure performance. Chow et al. (1994) were probably the first to attempt to define supply chain (logistics) performance and they presented some measures for measuring logistics performance. Since then, most of the literature on logistics performance appears to focus on models and frameworks (Clarke and Gourdin, 1991; Mentzer and Konrad, 1991; Rao and Grenoble, 1991; Hubbard, 1992) and on managing different aspects of logistics (Larson, 1994). Sink and his colleagues have defined seven dimensions in order to capture their conception of what performance means: they are effectiveness, efficiency, quality, productivity, quality of work life, innovation and profitability/budgetability [International Journal of Logistics Management]. Given the lack of any universally definition for performance in the organizational literature, it should not be surprising that extant literature offers many ideas about the dimension that ought to be incorporated into a conceptualization of logistics performance. One of the best examples is the framework presented by Rhea and Shrock, where physical distribution effectiveness is defined as the extent to which distribution programmes satisfy customers [International Journal of Logistics Management, 5, p. 3] While measuring logistics performance, a comprehensive strategy of measurement is necessary for the successful planning, realization and control of the different activities which comprise the business logistics function ( Andersson et al. (1989). As Thor (1994, pp. 13-28) correctly advocates, there should be a whole family of measures. This is a balanced collection of four to six performance measures, usually including productivity, quality and customer satisfaction, which together furnish an all-inclusive view of results but, individually, also provide a diagnostic value. Developing such an approach, Mentzer and Firman (1994) claim that the management and control of logistics performance entails four broad aspects: Information systems to collect and report performance measures Efficient performance measures Variance analysis Corrective action Productivity within the performance scenario can be seen as a measurement of resource utilization, including the time element. The productivity philosophy and its improvement has been a high priority, in the first instance, in manufacturing, then in marketing, and later in physical distribution and materials management. Thus, the time is now ripe to focus on the whole logistics process. It is the shape of the organizations physical manifestations which is largely influenced by the nature of the values, beliefs and underlying assumptions of logistics management (Ericsson (1990, pp. 42-49). Quantitative metrics of supply chain performance can be classified into two broad categories: Non-financial and financial. In fact, in the late 1880s financial measures were mainly focused such as return on investment (Christopher, 1992; Schermerhorn et al.,, 2000). However as the second progressed during 1980s, the world market changed and companies began to lose market share to overseas competitors who were able to provide higher-quality products with lower costs and more diversity. To re- capture the competitive edge, companies not only directed their strategic focus from low-cost production to quality, flexibility and short lead time, as non-financial measures. (Bower Hout, 1988; Rushton Oxley, 1989; Stewart, 1995) Logistics performance measures can be categorized into two categories such as qualitative and quantitative measures. Qualitative measures include such as customer satisfaction and product quality etc., and quantitative measures include such as order-to-delivery lead time, supply chain response time, flexibility, resource utilization, delivery performance, etc. It has been suggested that the critical elements that form the basis of logistics management are time, distance and money. Some utilization, productivity and effectiveness metrics used in the logistics management are: Dimension Metric Example Utilization Actual input/norm input Area of warehouse occupied/ total area Productivity Actual output/actual input Ton-miles delivered/cost incurred No of orders processed/ no of hours of labor Effectiveness Actual output/norm output No of shipment on-time/no of shipment sent Utilization measures: They are used to track the use of input resources in process. In logistics, input could be characterized as financial, physical assets or inventory. Utilization metrics include the following: Spending measures Purchase price variance Distribution cost as percentage of sales Variance of transportation cost from budget Non financial resources measures Usage ratios Amortized costs Inventory measures Static metrics (capture level of inventory expressed in physical, financial or other terms) Flow metrics (capture speed of inventory as it flows through the system over a period of time) productivity measures Partial productivity measures (SFP-single factor productivity ratios ) Total factor productivity measurement Financial productivity measurement (ROI-return on investment )( (Frameworx, 2005) Effectiveness metrics Order fill rates( order filled /orders requested Line item fill rates( total line items not filled / shipped in time per period Damage rates (line items damaged per order) Order cycle time (elapsed time between receiving request and delivering order) Delivery or transit time (elapsed time between readying order for shipment and delivery order)( DfT, 2004) On-time ( orders shipped on time or orders received by customer on time ) Perfect deliveries (orders received by customers with no logistics service fullness) Importance of performance metrics: Implementing performance measures is a key to optimizing the supply chain. That reflects the entire process, rather than the individual components that make up the process. Managers can obtain a better picture of the process by focusing on the entire supply chain, rather than its individual parts. This is vital to emphasize the vital importance of the logistics process to the rest of the company and how logistics can affect the financial stability of the organization as a whole. (Rick J Blasgen, 2007) The effectiveness of supply chain of a company heavily affects its profitability and survival. Surprisingly few companies appear to have effective measures of each business process within the supply chain or information systems which readily produce the data necessary to drive improvement forward. Within the supply chain, logistics are considered to be the link between production/purchasing and marketing. Controlling logistics performance is a major concern for management. This is mainly because of the constantly changing environment and unforeseen events which may affect forecast performance levels. (Anonymous 1997) Three major reasons for measuring logistics performance: Reduce their operating costs Drive their revenue growth Enhance their shareholder value Example: By using the latest logistics performance indicators Dell has successfully become the dominant market player in the personal computer industry. It derives its growth because of mass customization, efficient supply chain management and reduced delivery time. In the era of global supply chains and mass customization, Dell has maintained close linkage of logistics. Dells performance measurement, manufacturing, logistics and shipping and strategies make it possible to customize computers for individual consumers at a low cost. It has successfully implemented low cost strategy through its efficient manufacturing operations, better supply chain management, reduced cycle time and direct sales model. orders are directly taken from its customers; either on phone or online. Thus, this reduces the cost of intermediaries that would otherwise add up to the total cost of PC for the customer. Dell also saves time on processing orders that other companies normally incur in their sales and distribution system by having latest performance measurement tools. Moreover, dell is able to get a clearer indication of market trends by directly dealing with customers. A two-to-three point cost advantage is also obtained by delaying assembly until a customers order is received (King, 2005). Three or four days finished inventory is kept on hand versus 30 to 45 days worth at some competitors. Parts inventory is replenished as often as every 90 minutes. an additional four or five points cost edge is brought by supply chain efficiencies derived from lean inventory management.(William Hoffman, 2005) Conclusion In todays severe competitive market place, product or service differentiation separates the winners from the losers. Mostly, the service differentiation is achieved by managing the logistics process efficiently and effectively. To achieve excellence in logistics, successful firms have to ensure that the firms business strategy is aligned with the key logistics processes and they are measured against predetermined performance objective The approach that a firm takes in establishing logistics measurements system does not matters a lot as the real value come when the information is acted upon to align the effectiveness and efficiency of the logistics process performance to value the customers. The role 3PL can have in your success is dependent on when you start measuring your logistics performance (james S. Keebler and David A. Durtsche 2007).

Global Plan to Eliminate New HIV Infections

Global Plan to Eliminate New HIV Infections Abstract The study assessed the progress of 20 priority sub-Saharan African countries in the attainment of the targets outlined in the ‘Global Plan for the Elimination of New HIV Infections among Children by 2015 and Keeping their Mothers Alive’. The 2012 progress reports of the countries were extracted from the UNAIDS online database. The global and Prong 1, 3, and 4 targets were analysed with respect to the May 2013 targets and milestones. The 2009 to 2012 and the 2005 to 2010 mid – point estimates were analysed respectively for global target 1 – Reduce number of new infections among children by 90% and global target 2- Reduce AIDS-related deaths during pregnancy or within 42 days of the end of pregnancy by 50%. Estimates were calculated using Spectrum version 4.6 and Wilcoxon ranked test was used for data analysis.Between 2009 and 2012, there was 38% total reduction in global target 1 while between2005 to 2012 there was 25% total reduction in global target 2 for the 20 priority countries. Ghana and South Africa recorded the most significant reduction for global target 1 with 72% and 63% respectively while Nigeria, Chad, Congo Democratic Republic and Lesotho recorded less than 20% reduction. Only Botswana and Ethiopia recorded over 50% reduction in global target 2. There has been significant progress however; the global milestones have not been attained. More effort is needed in Nigeria, Congo Democratic Republic and Angola and sustained momentum in other priority countries to achieve the Global Plan goals and milestones. HIV infection remains one of the major cause of death in children and their mothers in Sub Saharan African (SSA) countries [1,2,3]. Transmission of HIV infection from mothers to their unborn children and infants is mostly during pregnancy, labour and post – natally during breastfeeding period. [4,5]. There has been gradual reduction in new HIV infections among children of HIV infected mothers since the commencement of prevention of mother to child transmission programme (PMTCT) but as at 2009, a staggering 370,000 children were recorded to have became newly infected with HIV worldwide and an estimated 42,000 – 60,000 pregnant women also died due to HIV infection and its complications. [6,7].Over 90% of the countries responsible for this high burden of HIV infection and high mother to child transmission (MTCT) rates are located in SSA. India, which is located in Asia is another country which also contribute significantly to this burden. These countries account for the bu lk of the HIV infected women requiring antiretroviral therapy (ART) in order to prevent MTCT. They also account for over 90% of the paediatric HIV infected children who need ART [7].The case of MTCT presents a big disparity globally with high income countries recording almost zero new HIV infections among children and maternal and infant mortalities due to HIV infection. However; most of the low and middle countries especially those located in SSA record new infections because the number of women accessing HIV prevention and treatment services is considerably very low. The same situation applies to their children and this exposes them to new infections and death [7].The success recorded in reducing MTCT to almost zero and keeping their mothers alive is possible globally. However, this can only be a reality if all involved will ensure that all pregnant women living with HIV and their children have easy access to antiretroviral drugs and other necessary care as indicated during pregna ncy, delivery and breastfeeding. These measures will go a long way in preventing new infections among the children and take care of the health of the mothers as well. Provision and appropriate usage of ARVs as prophylaxis has been proven to reduce HIV MTCT to less than 5% [9]. Other measures that targets HIV infection prevention among women at increased risk of HIV and the unmet family planning needs of women living with HIV will contribute significantly to reduction for subsequent antiretroviral prophylaxis and treatment need [12].In May 2009, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) made a call for the virtual elimination of MTCT globally. This call was supported by many other multilateral and bilateral agencies, regional coordinating bodies, national governments and their HIV/AIDS control agencies . In furtherance of this noble course, the World Health Organisation (WHO) in 2010 published new guidelines which included the best available scientific and programmatic tools to accelerate the reduction of MTCT and achieve the virtual elimination of MTCT. These guidelines also included advice for safer infant feeding. [6,7] The call for the virtual elimination of new paediatric HIV infection led to the launching of an initiative known as â€Å"Global Plan Towards the Elimination of New HIV Infections among Children by 2015 and Keeping their Mothers Alive † in July 2011 at the United Nations General Assembly High Level Meeting on AIDS. The Global Plan was developed through a consultative process by a Global Task Team convened by UNAIDS. The Global Task Team included experts and policy makers from 25 countries and 30 civil society organisations, private sector, networks of people living with HIV and international organisations. This plan was designed to provide the foundation for country-led movement towards the elimination of new HIV infections among children and keeping their mothers alive. The Global Plan covers all low- and middle-income countries, but with a particular focus on the 22 countries with the highest estimated numbers of pregnant women living with HIV. These countries are Angola, Botswana, Burundi, Cameroon, Chad, Cà ´te d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, South Africa, Swaziland, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe. These countries were selected based on the fact that they account for nearly 90% of pregnant women living with HIV in need of services. These countries also need exceptional efforts to achieve this goal. The Global Plan also supports and reinforces the development of country-driven HIV national plans [7]. The Global Plan focuses on reaching pregnant women living with HIV and their children prior to pregnancy, through the time of pregnancy until stoppage of breastfeeding. The HIV prevention and treatment needs of mothers and children will be met within the existing comprehensive HIV care programmes.The implementation framework for the Global Plan is based on two global targets and broader four-pronged strategy. The strategy provides the foundation for national plans development and implementation. It encompasses ranges of HIV prevention and treatment indicators for mothers and their children, essential maternal, newborn and child health services and family planning, and as a crucial aspect of efforts to achieve Millennium Development Goals 4, 5 and 6 [10,11]. Global Target #1: Reduce the number of new HIV infections among children by 90% . Global Target #2: Reduce the number of AIDS-related maternal deaths by 50%. Prong 1: Prevention of HIV among women of reproductive age within services related to reproductive health such as antenatal care, postpartum and postnatal care and other health and HIV service delivery points. Target: Reduce HIV incidence in women 15-49 by 50%. Prong 2: Providing appropriate counselling and support, and contraceptives, to women living with HIV to meet their unmet needs for family planning and spacing of births, and to optimize health outcomes for these women and their children. Target: Reduce unmet need for family planning to zero (Millennium Development Goal). Prong 3: For pregnant women living with HIV, ensure HIV testing and counselling and access to the antiretroviral drugs needed to prevent HIV infection from being passed on to their babies during pregnancy, delivery and breastfeeding [9]. Target: Reduce mother-to-child transmission of HIV to 5%. 90% of mothers receive perinatal antiretroviral therapy or prophylaxis. 90% of breastfeeding infant-mother pairs receive antiretroviral therapy or prophylaxis. Prong 4: HIV care, treatment and support for women, children living with HIV and their families. Target : Provide 90% of pregnant women in need of antiretroviral therapy for their own health with life-long antiretroviral therapy. By the end of 2015, the estimated number of new HIV infections in children is expected to have been reduced by at least 85% in each of the 22 priority countries, the estimated number of HIV-associated pregnancy-related deaths reduced by 50% and all countries will have met the targets for elimination of new HIV infections among children and keeping their mothers alive. There is however need to measure the progress made by these countries and to address gaps and challenges identified. This study aimed to assess the progress made by twenty of the priority countries involved in the Global Plan in sub Saharan Africa. This is coming two years after the formal launching of the Global Plan with the countries making commitment towards the elimination of new HIV infections in children and keeping their mothers alive. This study looked at the progress made so far in meeting some of the targets and milestones set to be met by May 2013.We searched the UNAIDS online database of the 2012 progress reports submitted by the priority countries. The 2009 2012 mid – point estimates were analysed for 20 of the sub- Saharan African Global Plan priority countries. The estimates were calculated using Spectrum version 4.6. The Spectrum files were developed by country teams and compiled by UNAIDS in 2013. However, the estimates from AIDS related deaths during pregnancy or within 42 days of the end of pregnancy was from 2005 to 2010 [8].Only 20 of the Global Plan priority countries data were analysed due to non availability of country – specific data for Uganda and India. . In order assess the progress made, the global targets and Prong 1, 3, and 4 targets were quantitatively analysed with respect to the May 2013 targets and milestones. Some of the global and country targets and milestones assessed were : The estimated number of new HIV infections in children is reduced by 50% from 2010 levels in at least 10 high-burden countries. (Country target and milestone). The estimated number of new HIV infections in children is reduced by 50%. (Global target and milestone). The data was analysed using statistical package Stata version 12.1. Overall Targets Between 2009 and 2012, the number of new infections among children in the 20 Global Plan priority countries in sub-Saharan Africa countries with country-specific data was estimated to have reduced from 315570 to 197170. ( Wilcoxon ranked test ;P = 0.0001; Table 1 and 5). The total reduction in the estimated number of new HIV infections among children was 38% from 2009 levels in the high-burden countries.AIDS-related deaths during pregnancy or within 42 days of the end of pregnancy among the 20 Global Plan priority countries in sub-Saharan Africa countries with country-specific data reduced from 36000 in 2005 to 29030 in 2010.Prong 1 Target The new HIV infections among women 15–49 years old among the 20 Global Plan priority countries in sub-Saharan Africa countries with country-specific data reduced from 687900 in 2009 to 606000 in 2012 (Wilcoxon ranked test ;P = 0.0001; Table 2 and 5 ).Prong 3 Targets The final Mother to Child Transmission rate (%) among the 20 priority countries with country-specific data reduced from 27% in 2009 to 19% in 2012 (Wilcoxon ranked test ;P = 0.0001; Table 3 and 5 ). The percentage of women receiving antiretroviral medicines (excluding single-dose nevirapine) to prevent MTCT increased from 34% in 2009 to 63% in 2012 (Wilcoxon ranked test ;P = 0.0001; Table 3 and 5). The percentage of women or infants receiving antiretroviral medicines during breastfeeding to prevent MTCT increased from 11% in 2009 to 43% in 2012 (Wilcoxon ranked test ;P = 0.0001; Table 3 and 5).Prong 4 TargetsThe percentage of antiretroviral therapy coverage among children 0–14 years old increased appreciably from 22% to 35% in all the Global Plan priority countriesIn SSA,the percentage of pregnant women living with HIV receiving antiretroviral therapy for their own health increased from 23% in 2009 to 57% in 2012 (Wilcoxon ranked test ;P = 0.0001; Table 4 and 5). Two countries namely Ghana and South Africa have done tremendously well in achieving the highest reduction in the numbers of new HIV infections among children from 2009 to 2012 with 72% and 63% reduction respectively [8]. Others like Botswana, Malawi, Ethiopia, Zambia and Namibia had also achieved remarkable reduction with Zimbabwe, Kenya, Mozambique and Tanzania almost reaching the 50% reduction. Angola, Nigeria, Chad, Congo Democratic Republic and Lesotho are still lagging behind in the aspect of reduction of new infection in children. The case of Nigeria is really a concern considering the fact that she has the highest number and about one third of all new paediatric infection in sub Saharan Africa. Angola is also a case for concern, there has been increase in new infections rather than reduction since 2009. Furthermore , there has been reduction in the AIDS-related deaths during pregnancy or within 42 days of the end of pregnancy from 2005 to 2010, although with some exceptions like Mozambique and South Africa. There has been some reduction in new HIV infections among women 15–49 years old in the priority countries but with some exceptions such as Angola, Cameroun, Chad, Cote D’Ivoire, Mozambique, Namibia and Zimbabwe. There was reduction in the final Mother to Child Transmission rate with Botswana and South Africa leading the pack. These two countries have already reached the 5% target for the reduction in transmission rate [8]. More women are now able to access antiretroviral medicines and thereby reducing the risk of new HIV transmission to their children compared to 2009. Four countries had already surpassed the 90% target for the increase in percentage of women receiving antiretroviral medicines (excluding single-dose nevirapine) to prevent MTCT, however, Angola, Chad, Nigeria and Congo DR did poorly in this area of maternal antiretroviral coverage. The increase in the percentage of women or infants receiving antiretroviral medicines during breastfeeding to prevent MTCT among the priority countries is a commendable step because some of the countries do not have this programme in place as of 2009. There was a significant increase in antiretroviral therapy coverage for pregnant women living with HIV in the priority countries. Botwsana and Namibia had achieved above 90% antiretroviral therapy coverage for pregnant women living with HIV . These increased coverage levels of antiretroviral medicines is expected to translate into lower mother-to-child transmission rates. Over the years, there has been an increase in the number of children who are on antiretroviral therapy but this increase is still not the desired expectation with two third of eligible children been denied the needed medication in most of the priority countries. It is noteworthy that Botswana was already having above 95% paediatric antiretroviral coverage as at 2009. A major limitation of this study is the non availability of Uganda and India country – specific data . Another challenge was in measuring the progress of the initiative because most of the priority countries do not have a direct measurement of the number of new HIV infections among children [8].There has been a significant progress among most of the sub Saharan African priority countries in the bid to eliminate new HIV infections in children as seen by the reduction in the percentage of final mother to child transmission of HIV.The success story so far include reduced number of children newly acquiring HIV infection, improved and increased access to HIV treatment for eligible women and their children, increased coverage of antiretroviral medicines for pregnant women living with HIV to prevent mother-to-child transmission from and reduction in AIDS-related deaths during pregnancy or within 42 days of the end of pregnancy. However, only seven countries has been able to achieve the 50% reduction in estimated number of new HIV infections among children thereby falling short of the expected ten countries target by May 2012 [7]. Also the number of new HIV infections in the countries declined by only 38% against the target of 50%. More effort is needed in certain countries like Nigeria, Congo Democratic Republic and Angola and sustained momentum in other priority countries in order to achieve the Global Plan goals.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Grand Avenue Essay -- essays papers

Grand Avenue In the novel Grand Avenue. Greg Sarris uses the theme thread of poison to connect all of his separate stories about the Toms’, a Pomo Indian family. He proves that the roots of a family are the basis which gives the family its structure, even if those roots are bad. In the Toms’ family they’re roots were poisoned from the very founding of the family starting with Sam Toms’. His poison was not the fact that he tried to steal a married woman away, but that he was filled with secrets, deceptions, and self hatred. His family was founded on these poisened roots and passes the poisen down generation after gerneration. The only way to stop the poison, or inner self hatred taken out in other forms, was to let go of past and talk about the secrets and lies. Once a person does this they are able to learn from their mistake , in a sense the break free from the poison. If Sam Toms’ , the founder or root of the family,would have broken free of his poise n by talking about his mistake he made, his whole family per haps would have turned out completely different. As a result of his secrets and lies his family was rasied to make the same immoral desisions as he made throughout his life. His family, like Sam, didn't take responcilblity for their mistakes, which spread the poison onto the next generation. Tracing the poison throughout the Tom’s beginning at the roots, shows just how important the roots indeed are. In the first story, entitled The Magic Pony, one learns about the â€Å"Man Poison†. The story is narrated by Jasmine, who lives with her Auntie Faye Faye tells her daughter Ruby and Jasmine that all men are poisoned because of a mistake from her past She stole her cousin Anna’s boyfriend Joaquin, by lying t... ...d few such as Anna, Stella, and Alice who broke free of the poison, lived their lives as Sam Toms’ did who rooted the family. They as he did lied, cheated, manipuled, and kept secrets to try to live a happy life which in actuality their lives were anything but. The strong Toms’ that broke free of the poison spoke of their problems and took responsibility for them. The rest just followed in their ancestors footsteps and lived unhappy and immoral lives as they did. The Toms’ family poison connected the whole family, generation after generation together, and helps to prove how important an influential a families’ roots really are.footsteps and lived unhappy and immoral lives as they did. The Toms’ family poison connected the whole family, generation after generation together, and helps to prove how important an influential a families’ roots really are.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Dinosaurs Essay examples -- essays research papers

Just as most dinosaurs are believed to be wild and mean, most are. Unlike the wild and ferocious Tyrannosaurus Rex, the Velociraptor, is a smaller, agile dinosaur. The Brontosaurus can be found with the bigger, more gentle dinosaurs. The Tyrannosaurus Rex, Velociraptor, and Brontosaurus differ greatly in their body structure, diet, and discovery.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Tyrannosaurus Rex was a very large dinosaur. Measuring 50 feet long, the Tyrannosaurus stood over 20 feet tall. The head of the Tyrannosaurus was five feet long and filled with large teeth that were seven inches long each (Benton 125). Having a very large skull put a tremendous strain on its body, so to counterbalance its weight, the tyrannosaurus had a strong attachment of backbone to pelvis which allowed its body to pivot at its hip (Wilford 142). With its body balanced right, the Tyrannosaurus walked on two legs, and it had two very short arms.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Tyrannosaurus was one of the most feared dinosaurs. The word Tyrannosaurus means â€Å"tyrant reptile†. Since the Tyrannosaurus Rex was a meat-eater, its teeth were shaped in zig-zag form which allowed it to cut through meat like a steak knife (Benton 161). It mainly relied on its strength when catching prey. Because it could not swim, many of its prey would run for shelter into water. Also, the Tyrannosaurus Rex was able to take big breaths due to lots of lung capacity, but it tired easily and could not put up much of a chase when its prey ran. (Monatersky 287).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Tyrannosaurus Rex was an exciting discovery. It was found during the Bone Wars, a period when Paleontology was very popular and competitive. It is believed to have been discovered by Robert Plot during the 1800’s (Benton 128). The Tyrannosaurus lived during the Late Cretaceous Period (Benton 124). This dinosaur was first believed to be cold-blooded, but now many scientists believe that it was warm-blooded and possibly evolved from birds.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Although very small, the Velociraptor was very agile. The Velociraptor was six feet long and four feet tall. This dinosaur was lightly built which allowed it to run fast and jump swiftly. Unlike most dinosaurs, the Velociraptor had long arms which allowed them to be more useful (Benton 126). On the foot of the Velociraptor was a three inch claw which w... ...aves, grass, and other plants. Using its long neck, it would stretch to the top of trees and eat the leaves off the branches. The jaw muscles were very strong, and were used to strip bark off trees and to break branches (Benton 163). Its mouth was filled with 2000 teeth which were large and bowl-shaped (Wilford 84).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Many types of Brontosaurus’s have been discovered. Believed to be the first dinosaur ever discovered, a large skull and a leg were found (Wilford 86). These body parts were found in the western part of North America, and many, to this day, are still found here (â€Å"Apatasaurus† 1). Many other types of Brontosauruss have been found and are the most easily found today.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Tyrannosaurus Rex, Velociraptor, and the Brontosaurus are different in all aspects of life including body structure, diet, and discovery. The Tyrannosaurus Rex was the meanest and most brutal of all, while the Velociraptor was smart and illusive. The Brontosaurus was a more gentle dinosaur, even though it was very large. Each one of the dinosaurs discussed were very interesting and have given a large contribution to science and its understanding.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Silk Cut ad campaign analysis

Client Management Mucky Chain Lecturer: Bruce Stains Opinion Piece Topic: Case history of Silk Cut advertising Date: 26/8/2005 Introduction Cigarette advertising in UK has been changed because of the rules and regulation set by Advertising Standards Authority (known as AS), it basically tightens the creative freedom to cigarettes advertising. However, Silk Cut advertising has successfully launched a campaign that break through the tradition of cigarette ad, as well as print ad in the world.This document will be covered the areas of, why the campaign was launched, the location of the campaign had run, the reason behind and the people ho created it. Who creative the Silk Cut campaign? The classic Silk Cut campaign had been produced by the legendary creative director, Paul Arden and his agency's head, Charles Chitchats. Cigarette giant Gallagher corporation had entrusted the Silk Cut campaign to the British based agency, Chitchats & Chitchats. In the late ass, the account was shifted to M Chitchats until the end of the campaign as cigarettes advertising was totally banned in public.Others art directors who was involved the campaign in Chitchats & Chitchats include Graham Fink, Bill Gallagher and Alexandra Taylor. The people who were in charged the campaign in M Chitchats include, Simon Tickets, chief executive director, Moray McClellan, the chief executive officer and Martin Caisson, who was in charged the sponsored event in the 1996 Edinburgh Festival . Fig. 1 fig. 2 Why Silk Cut campaign was the classic? In the time when Chitchats & Chitchats acquired the Silk Cut account, cigarette advertising was not allowed to show to product and its name.Other regulations include, it cannot associated with any social groups, the result of success in business, evoking people to start smoking, masculinity and femininity and it is not allowed to associated with glamour and sports. On the other hand, Silk Cut was promoted as a low tar cigarette, it attracted to the women market as during the period, people got the perception that low tar cigarette is less danger to health. Women target was attracted to that point. Silk Cut cigarette was also target more up-market. In the previous advertising (fig. 1 & fig. 2), it was associated with brandy and coffee.Those objects are related to the smoothness, richness and quality . The later campaign was also associated with that image. The Silk Cut image can also be reflected in the brand name and corporate color. The meaning behind ‘Silk Cut' was a natural cigarette. Silk is a metaphor for natural product as this is a fabric that is not man-made. And ‘Cut' is the action of how tobacco leaf was cropped. Also, the dominated package color was purple, which is associated with royalty and splendor. All those factors were used in this ground- breaking campaign later. Fig. Fig. 4 When was the campaign launched? This famous Silk Cut campaign, more or less was influenced by the other classic cigarette campaign, Hedg es and Benson in the late ass. The common facts were, they were both no-copy ads, and there are some abstract objects to let audience associate o the products. The Silk Cut campaign was first launched in 1984 and ended in February 2003. The last campaign was estimated to cost 2. Mm GAP. Now in I-J, advertising was banned on direct mail, in-pack promotion and sponsorship, and of course, on all print ad and TV commercials.Where was the Silk Cut campaign run? It was run in UK and influenced to the advertising industry, like how the created the brand recognition to the audience, the craft skill that associates to the product and the market. Arguably the Silk Cut campaign was Judged to raise the femininity through its idea, target to women. For instance, the first idea of the campaign (fig. 3) showing the cut on a piece of silky fabric. The cut was associated with the symbolic female genital organ. And in fig 4, the ‘cancan' scissors were Judged as the power of women.Its distinctiv e semiotic concept influenced to the Hedges & Benson campaign later as it was showing the surreal package in all ideas as they were both under the regulation that no product can be shown in the ad. Hedges & Benson ad let people remind it name, and the Silk Cut one reminds people about its name. Fig. 5 fig. 6 How to make it success? As the advertiser understands, the brand royalty is very important to cigarette maker, people stick to a cigarette brand often Just because its name and image. In the early stage of the campaign, it was simply shown a cut silk in purple to let audience think of its brand.Later on, it was developed to showing the tool for cutting the silk, like scissors. And there are more symbolic objects to relate to women which are their target market. The obvious examples are (fig. 5 and 6) those using the scenes of the Hitchcock movies, The Birds and The Psycho. Both scenes in the movies are evicting women being attacked, by birds or killer. In the fig. 7, 8, 9 and 10 , both are related to the feminine power by implicitly showing the actions by women cutting something, or intend to do it. The campaign was success to create the brand association and recognition.As the images in those ads are surreal and symbolic, it attracts the audience to decode the ad. This action makes the whole campaign very memorable as audience spends time to think about the ad. Fig. 11 is a good example to show the twist of the creative even it is not cutting the fabric but the line (phone call). The campaign also created the brand image as mysterious and gloomy. The ads never associate people enjoying a cigarette or showing how cool and attractive a person can be if they consume the product.It differentiates the position with other brands which saying the click message. And it fig. 8 stands out in the market, especially to the women, that people could be captive with the brand, because they are associated to the brand with the gorgeous purple silk, it uses the other way t o present fashionable and modern as it seems to project an impression, that you are clever to know about this ad'. Conclusion The Silk Cut campaign was an advertising classic not Just because no more cigarette advertising can be run in I-J, but its originality and creativeness.

Balance Scorecard Training Essay

Business Online Personal homework and nutrition plans c each(prenominal)ed Lose the Fat girlfriend The equilibrise Scorecard is a strategical mathematical operation attention framework that has been knowing to suffice an fundamental law monitor its performance and manage the execution of its strategy. In a recent world-wide study on management tool usage, the Balanced Scorecard was strand to be the sixth most wide used management tool crosswise the globe which also had one of the highest boilers suit satisfaction ratings (Pearce & Robinson, 2009). In its simplest form the Balanced Scorecard breaks performance monitoring into iv interconnected places Financial, Customer, Internal Processes and Learning & Growth. agree to Pearce and Robinson (2009), the financial perspective coers the financial objectives of an organization and kicks managers to track financial supremacy and ploughsh beowner value. The customer perspective covers the customer objectives such as custom er satisfaction, market sh be goals as well as crop and service attributes. The Internal process perspective covers internal operational goals and protrudelines the key processes necessity to deliver the customer objectives. The learning and fruit perspective covers the intangible drivers of future success such as human capital, organisational capital and information capital including skills, training, organisational culture, leadership, systems and databases.Deriving what the ships caller- tabu wants to get do starts with looking at why the social club was founded in the first place. Basic principles that the caller- give away was founded upon helped drive its past to bring it to a successful present, and sustain the future for long time to come. Lose the Fat little girl has a great plan to finish out the 2013 fiscal year on a self-colored note and even firing into 2014 on the right foot would be beneficial to the confederation as a whole. The goals that were accomplis hed comparing year-over-year figures reveal that we clear set goals to improver overall revenue, stockholder value, and capitalinterest substantially and our results march that these were realistic figures that we have set out for ourselves.There was a 30% increase in revenue compared to this time finishing year. Increases in shareholder value over the past two years of 15% , a steady average defecate each year. Customer retention is at 90% and employee turnover is 0% since the company first started. Lose the Fat Girl is committed to developing personalized seaworthiness programs that will motivate, support, and get each item-by-item to their desired fitness goals by using safe and effective training techniques, for guaranteed results.The delegation description indicates that the company wants to touch and metamorphose peoples lives because it cares which will move customers training for longer periods of time. The boot statement creates the foundation and is a reminder o f the companys overall purpose To swop peoples lives for the expose. Working out has and always will be a problem for many people rough the world. A service like this would allow us to reach people anyplace. This mission statement came about because of the need to help people that work long hours and patently need a little help, or push to get back in to shape by creating a lifestyle.making training and coaching available to our clients anywhere has made it easier for more people to bother our services. Looking at value for the company, we came up with a simple approach that coincides with what our clients lastly find to be solid values to find in a company they can trust. Forming a strongly grow client base, strict certification practices creation encouraged and mandatory for employees, and even fling products that are going to fit the customer the best way contingent are some of the things we encourage.Follow-ups are critical in making sure the client is joyous with the s ervices they are receiving at all times. This will continue a strong pipeline of customers for the future, instill confidence in the customer in knowing they are in the best hands possible, and customers eventually benefit the best way possible in the end. The idea of the balanced add-in is simple but extremely hefty if implemented well. As long as you use the key ideas to create a unique strategy and visualize it in a cause-and-effect map, align the organization and its processes to the objectives place in the strategic map, design significant key performance indicators (KPI) and use them to further learning and improved decision making you will end up with a powerful tool that should lead to better performance (Pearce &Robinson, 2009).ReferencesPearce, J.A. II, & Robinson, R.B. (2009). Strategic management Formulation, implementation, and fudge (11th ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Female Education Essay

Napoleon once said paternity me an naturalised mformer(a) and I get out give you an educated acres. This enjoin subject argonaforcet is ample to prove the importance of young-bearing(prenominal) nurture. Allah has created twain man and woman equall(a)y. They ar standardised the two sides of a coin. One is neither without the other(a). So, procreation fagnot be the besides self- leave behind of a single class or sex. Rather, it should be im lay outed equally to both men and women. Our religion has in like manner make program line irresponsible for all. In the past, our women folk were curb within the quartette walls of home. P atomic number 18nts did not vacate them to receive culture and to participate in close to(prenominal) outside mildew.Early sexual union, religious misinterpretation and the narr protestess of our outlook were in general unresistant for this. Parents judgment it waste of succession and money to educate their girls. They did not realize that if girl clawren were educated they could be as competent as male barbarianren. As our women folk constitute almost half(a) of our total existence, no real cultivation is affirm fitting property them uneducated. On the other hand, an educated get plays a rattling important procedure in qualification and shaping the character of her children. She knows well how to vex up her children, to educate them and to make them worthy.In domestic life, she elicit as well as consort her gartering hand to her husband. So, at that place is no alternative to effeminate fosterage. It is a bet of great de exonerated that women adjudge started to accrue out of their cocoons. Being educated, they are get together a wide range of professions. They have been able to prove their abilities. So, the disadvantages of early marriage and religious misinterpretation must be removed. Our outlook round women must be changed. More schools and colleges for girls should be set u p to spread pi sleek overate preparation. Recently the scenario of female education has started to change.Many socio-economic factors are responsible for this change. All possible facilities of female education have been extended. discipline for girls up to stop level has been made free with a monthly stipend. This encourages them to continue their education. We should remember that only educated women rat change the depicting of our society. So, all of us should come transport to spread female education. The overall state of female education in Bangladesh is not yet satisfactory. In the past, women were in the bourn of their houses. They usually spent their condemnation doing their sign of the zodiac chores. They were deprived of education. only if the situation has been changed now. Now-a-days, they are admitting into schools, colleges and universities. The rate of literacy in our country is about 60% whereas female literacy is about 40%. Female education is necessary fo r getting an educated nation. Because, an educated mother rear end give an educated nation. There are legion(predicate) advantages of female education. A child testament neer remain preliterate if his/her mother is educated. An educated woman feces play various intents in the family. She base impart himself in different tune and jobs. As a result, she female genital organ leave to the family income.However, government should do something more(prenominal) to educate the female. No need girls education, they are born only for taking care of their families- this idea was stereotype in the early past of Bangladesh. The birth of a boy child was a thanks magnanimous for the parents and a girl child was the likes of a curse. It is a surprising affair that a girl child likewise comes like a boy child from mothers womb and fathers blood nevertheless unflustered that child is unexpected to her parents. In reality, a father and mother can never hate their children. Actually, the society made the normal to neglect the girl children.As Bangladesh is considers as a Muslim country, most of its population are Muslim. The Bangladeshi people thought that their religion had ordered them to keep their women and female children inside the house and keep them in safe. As a result, the parents al delegacys treasured a male child to substantiate for the family and protect their old age. From a theological research, it has found that the beliefs which were followed by our ancestors were based on wrong concepts. The holy books actually suggested keeping women in safe, not to confine them into four walls where they do not have any liberty.These books similarly suggested that a woman can even participate in the state of war if she is able to protect herself. Very slow but the people started to change their lookout when they were becoming educated and started realizing that it was useless to give success without women as a mother is the first teacher of a child. If a mother is illiterate there is practically possibility that the child will be uneducated. To cure this problem, Begum Ro recognisea, the pioneer of giving the light of education to the Muslim Bengali girls. This brotherly movement of educating girls was very slow and at that time people were against of this blessed work.She unplowed patience and opened a girls school. She made people to understand about the benefit of the girls education by giving the religious points. Though it took time to convince people, it worked. People understood the urgency of the girls education and started sending their daughters into the school. This idea was so effective because a nation can have more achievements if the entire nation works together for success, not the half of the nation. The government also realized that this is an sophisticated idea and so the It is the height of selfishness for men, who amply appreciate in their own berth the great advantage of a effective education, to d eny these advantages to women. There is no validated argument by which the exclusion of the female sex from the privilege of education can be defended. It is argued that women have their domestic duties to exercise and that, if they were educated, they would bury themselves in their books and have shortsighted time for attending to the management of their households. Of course, it is possible for women as it is for men to neglect work in order to spare more time for reading sensational novels.But women are no more liable to this temptation than men and most women would be able to do their household work the entire make better for being able to refresh their minds in the intervals of leisure with a little reading. Nay, education would even help them in the performance of the narrowest sphere of feminine duty. For education involves knowledge of the means by which health may be bear on and enable a mother to bring up such modern books as will tell her how to rear up her children into goodly men and women and skillfully hold in them and her husband, when indisposition attacks her household.Without education she will not be averse to listen, with fatal results, to the advice of superstitious quacks that hold to work wonder by charms and magic. But, match to higher conception of womens sphere, women ought to be something more than a household drudge. She ought to be able not merely to nurse her husband in sickness but also to be his companion in health. For this part of her married womanly duty, education is necessary, for there cannot be congenial companionship betwixt an educated husband and an uneducated wife who can converse with her husband on no higher subject than preparedness and servants wages.Also, one of a mothers highest duties is the education of her children at the time when their mind is not conformable to instruction. A childs in all future life, to a large extent, depends on the teaching it receives in early childishness and it is n eedless to say that this first unveiling of education cannot be well laid by an ignorant mother. On all these grounds female education is a vital necessity. Gender inequality in education is extreme. Girls are less believably to access school, to remain in school or to achieve in education. grooming helps men and women claim their practiceds and realise their potency in the economic, political and social arenas. It is also the single most powerful way to lift people out of destitution. schooling plays a particularly important role as a foundation for girls organic evolution towards adult life. It should be an intrinsic part of any strategy to address the sex-based disparity against women and girls that remains prevalent in legion(predicate) societies. The following links will advertize explain the necessity of girls/womens education.Education is a justifiedly Cultural changes split up health and awareness Poverty decrement Education is a in force(p) Everybody has the right to education, which has been recognised since the Universal Declaration of piece Rights (UDHR) in 1948. The right to free and compulsory primary education, without discrimination and of good quality, has been reaffirmed in all major international homophile rights conventions. Many of these same instruments encourage, but do not guarantee, post-primary education.These rights have been further lucubrate to address issues like quality and equity, abject forward the issue of what the right to education means, and exploring how it can be achieved. As a minimum states must ensure that base education is available, accessible, acceptable and adaptable for all. (4A scheme) The right of girls to education is one of the most hypercritical of all rights because education plays an important role in enabling girls and women to secure other rights. Cultural changes Cultural and traditional value stand between girls and their prospects for education.The achievement of girls right to e ducation can address some of societies deeply rooted inequalities, which condemn millions of girls to a life without quality education and, therefore, also all too often to a life of missed opportunities. Improving educational opportunities for girls and women helps them to develop skills that allow them to make decisions and fascinate community change in samara areas. One reason for denying girls and women their right to an education is rarely articulated by those in charge that is their venerate of the power that girls will have through education.There is still some resistance to the idea that girls and women can be trusted with education. Education is also seen in some societies as a fear of change and now with globalization, the fear becomes even greater- fear to lose the ethnical identity, fear of moving towards the unknown or the unwanted, fear of dissolving in the many others. Better health Basic education provides girls and women with an understanding of basic health, nut rition and family planning, giving them choices and the power to decide over their own lives and bodies.Womens education leads directly to better reproductive health, improved family health, economic growth, for the family and for society, as well as lower grade of child mortality and malnutrition. It is also key in the fight against the spread of human immunodeficiency virus & AIDS. Poverty reduction Educating girls and women is an important yard in overcoming scantness. Inequality and poverty are not inevitable. The focus on poverty reduction enables the right to education to be a powerful tool in making a change in the lives of girls and women.Poverty has been universally affirmed as a key obstacle to the employment of human rights, and it has a visible gender profile. The main reason for this is the fact that poverty results from violations of human rights, including the right to education, which disproportionately repair girls and women. Various grounds of discrimination c ombine, trapping girls in a vicious downwardly circle of denied rights. Denial of the right to education leads to exclusion from the labour market and marginalisation into the informal sector or rent-free work. This perpetuates and increases womens poverty.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Psychoanalytic Perspective on Personality Development

Psychoanalytic Perspective on Personality Development

L & D Assignment 1: Psychoanalytic Perspective on Personality Development Submitted By Pravin Bang Submitted To, Prof. Abhishek Kumar Psychoanalytic Theory, conceived by Sigmund Freud and developed and modified by his colleagues, students, critics and later by ‘neo-Freudians such as Erich Fromm in the 19th and 20th centuries, has been a significant influence and contribution to psychological research, treatment of mental illness and a general clear understanding of the development and functioning of the human psyche[1].Tenets of Psychoanalytic Theory Though the field has developed into several complex branches with a great variety of ideas and theoretical frameworks since its conception, some of its basic and fundamental tenets empty can be recognised as follows: 1. )Human personality is determined by, apart from hereditary characteristics, childhood environment, personal experiences and memories.It is not a science., is not reached the conscious mind. 3. )The above concept was later evolved into the idea of the Id, Ego and Super Ego, by Freud. Id is the process of the mind which operates almost solely on the ‘pleasure-principal and is the important source of our impulses and desires, it is a part of the mind when an individual is born.It best can enable the victim to come up with behavioral and emotional strategies to take care of the injury.

)Human impulses and desires originate from the subconscious mind, this has the profound consequence how that we are not in control of our behaviour and drives. The main human instinctual drives are sex and aggression.Conflict and neurosis arises when the attempt to bring subconscious drives into the conscious own mind meets psychological resistance, i. e.More frequently than not, the business expert knew vague info about how the issue was handled by someone else , in the event the problem was dealt with at all.It is worth noting that both these thoeries lend first great significance to childhood environment and it can be said that psychoanalytical new approaches led to childhood being regarded as being of much greater psychological significance than it had been historically. Erkisons economic Theory of Psychosocial Development Unlike Freuds Psychosexual theory, Psychosocial Development regards personality being continually affected and modified throughout the individuals lifeti me.Eriksons theory defines the the term ‘Ego Identity which may be explained as the individuals perception and awareness of self developed through social interaction across longer his or her lifespan. Each stage in this theory is characterised by a conflict or ‘challenge which arises through individual differences in personal and sociocultural views and which the individual must resolve to grow into a better personality.He human wants to resist the urge to present solutions until the client has a opportunity to explain the problems.

)Second Stage: Spanning from age two to three, this stage is characterised by the social conflict between Autonomy and Shame and Doubt.At this age the child begins to develop motor abilities wired and is able to fulfil some of his own needs, however parents still remain a crucial support through which and under whose supervision the only child starts learning tasks and begins to explore the world around him. Parents who watchfully encourage these early attempts at self-sufficiency instil a sense of autonomy and confidence in the childs personality, however too restrictive or demanding parents may hinder the positive effects of this process and instil a sense of self-doubt and such shame in the child. .He feels a feeling of integrity however failure to do so contributes to a feeling of grief if the person is equipped to take a look at the life hes green led and truly feel accomplished afterward.d. )Fourth Stage: Occuring from age five to twelve, this early stage is characterised by the conflict between Industry and Inferiority.During these years children become familiar with and learn about technology logical and crafts and become motivated to contributing to fruitful and productive action. During this stage the child develops a sense or cooperation and willingness to â€Å"do it right†.Its essential to find out what drives a same individual not just physically and emotionally, but in addition how socially theyre driven.

Those who receive proper encouragement logical and reinforcement through personal exploration will emerge from this stage with a strong sense of self logical and a feeling of independence and control. Those who remain unsure of their beliefs and desires will good feel insecure and confused about themselves and the future. f. )Sixth Stage: Covering young adulthood from age 20 to 24, this stage is characterised by the conflict between Intimacy and Isolation.Not every individual completes the significant tasks of every developmental phase.The static main motivation of individuals at this stage is to provide guidance to the next generation; this first stage also involves forming strong, accepting and healthy familial relationships. Failure at this stage leads to a feeling of stagnation. h. )Eigth Stage: The final developmental stage, this stage is characterised by the conflict between Integrity and Despair.Folks best can be treated if theyre not treated.

, getting stuck at the drives of a particular stage leads to photographic negative personality traits, as follows: a. Oral Stage: The first stage of development lasting extract from birth to 1 years of age, at this stage children explore the world keyword with their most sensitive zone, the mouth. Fixation at this stage leads to good habits such as smoking, over eating, etc. b.Conversely, they may be cured but not treated.d. )Latency Stage: Lasts from six years of age until puberty, successful resolution of this stage leads to development of social and people skills and ability to build and maintain relationships. e. )Genital Stage: Final developmental stage, lasts from puberty to most of the adult life, successful resolution leads to psychological independence from parents.Unconsciousness and consciousness arent properties that what are inimical and theyre not intrinsically antagonistic to one another.

â€Å"The problem of ego identity†. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 4: 56–121. 3. ) Marcia, James E.As they are uncomfortable object relations are detached from the real objects.Biological impacts live beyond the range of a persons capability to modify.Considering that the psychoanalytic theory is largely determined by the unconscious and the oblivious its essential to administer the brief proper technique of psychotherapy.