Synthesis of aspirin lab report
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
The Big Lebowski Essay Example For Students
The Big Lebowski Essay The entirety of the connections among the components in the film the Big Lebowski may appear to be puzzling with one another, yet this style of film makes a coordinated arrangement of disunity. The Coen siblings show this style through different themes all through the film, from the fundamental characters name to what he drinks. The film is an ideal case of a film which has the subject of disunity. In the film the fundamental character Jeffery Lebowski, alludes to himself as the Dude. This component of the story turns into a theme. The Dude is alluded to, and alludes to himself as the Dude since it speaks to his character, which is a nice cool character. The basic Western culture slang which is related with the word fella, is male whore. In the scene where the Dude gets back subsequent to being captured in Malibu, he end up taking part in sex in line with Mod Lebowski. After they finish, Mod discloses to the Dude that she was utilizing him to yield a kid. We will compose a custom article on The Big Lebowski explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now Clearly he was not given cash in return for sexual favors be that as it may, the Dude, much like genuine whores was utilized for sex. The Dude is consistently utilized by his companions and business relates all through the entire film. In spite of the fact that introduced as a laidback cool character, the Dudes title is illustrative of how he is seen by everybody around him. In the film, Bowling is viewed as a keeps an eye on movement, a place where go to contend and escape from the world. In the bowling alley there will never be a female present in the shot inside any scene. This theme is strengthened during the scene entitled Gutter Balls. In the Dudes trip-out it begins as a bowling parody obscene film, which can likewise be viewed as a male thing. It has shots of gliding bowling pins and balls reworked in various sexual positions, where the pins speak to the male genitalia. Further on in the fantasy, Mod, who is a solid free character, is spoken to by Viking outfit she is wearing. As opposed to this, she despite everything required assistance from the Dude when bowling. In the Big Lebowski bowling is viewed as a male overwhelmed movement. During the scene where the Dude and Mod Lebowski participate in sex, the Dude pores himself a White Russian. The Dude clarifies that the liquor and weed encourages him think. Im keeping on an extremely severe medication regiment to ahh, keep my ahh, mind flexible. This is indicated when very quickly after he smokes his cannabis and pours his White Russian he makes sense of where large Lebowskis cash is. Rather than this, the medications and liquor can likewise be viewed as an obstruction in the Dudes exertion to illuminate the case. At a certain point the Dude crashes his vehicle subsequent to spilling his beverage and dropping a lit joint onto his lap. In another scene the Dude is captured on the grounds that his White Russian was sedated. Medications and liquor become a Catch 22 of the Dudes achievement. In view of these themes we can see that the Coen siblings utilized various themes show any number of various things about the film. They can work together subjects of manliness to societys perspectives on the feeble. With this, the Big Lebowski has a subject which must be called diverse.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Whole Foods Market Expansion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 4
Entire Foods Market Expansion - Essay Example This examination will start with the explanation that Whole Foods Market Inc. is a characteristic evolved way of life store established in 1980 in Austin, Texas. Four neighborhood businesspersons to be specific, Renee Lawson Hardy and John Mackey proprietors of Safer Way Natural Foods, and Mark Skiles and Craig Weller, who were proprietors of Clarksville Natural Grocery met up to begin the chain store. They were united by the possibility that a grocery store that spent significant time in regular nourishments was essential if they somehow managed to abuse the market completely. Things being what they are, the group’s thought was directly as the store picked up progress following its opening. This has seen the organization develop a long ways from a solitary store to a multi-shop establishment with shops everywhere throughout the United States. The development originated from the way that the accomplishment from the beginning saw the organization gain quality that empowered its participating in a progression of acquisitions and mergers that were painstakingly picked. The development was tremendous to the point that the organization took its tasks globally soon after the transform if the new thousand years with venture into Canada in 2002 and the United Kingdom in 2004. Be that as it may, the abuse of territory Europe is yet to happen with the organization wanting to do this in its next period of extension. It is basic information that the qualities held by Americans and Europeans contrast incredibly. Indeed, even the English is spoken in the two nations varies. All things considered, the methodology used to investigate the territory Europe showcase needs to consider the subtleties emerging from the social-social contrasts sketched out underneath. The primary subtlety has to do with language. The American English is loaded up with colloquialisms and articulations just as structures that are not normal in the European scene. Albeit English is the most gener ally utilized communicated in language in the business world, it has a standard known as â€Å"international English†. This implies the market misuse needs to embrace a language that will require rethinking to evade errors. At that point there is the issue that not every European country get English. Accordingly, contingent upon the country that the organization is looking to venture into, it is important to have mediators for the smooth running of activities.
Thursday, August 20, 2020
Your friendly neighborhood webcaster
Your friendly neighborhood webcaster Did you miss the CPW webcast with Lauren and Jennifer? Well if you hurry you can still catch it at the Class of 2014 site! (use the username/password we emailed to you). The video will come down soon after the CPW registration page comes offline. Which reminds me… Have you registered for CPW? I swear that’s the last time I’ll ask, mostly because very soon CPW will transition from “the whirlwind adventure with my new classmates into the wonders of MIT I planned to register for†to “that potentially life-changing event I wished I’d registered for but missed the deadline because I inexplicably decided to watch all 5 seasons of ‘Quantum Leap’ back-to-back, which was very entertaining but in retrospect really could have waited.†* [* Actual regret may vary] I’m really posting to remind you that we’ll be having another admitted student webcast event on Wednesday (March 31st). This week’s theme is CPW! No I’m just kidding, it’s student life, and we have Uber-blogger Hamsika ’13 and Campus Information Session presenter (and all-around great guy) Paul ’12 to answer your questions. We’ll be doing two different webcasts this time, one at 8:00pm EDT and one at 10:00pm EDT, in order to accommodate both coasts (and all the lovely time zones in-between). The page will go live ~30 minutes prior to each webcast so you can add your questions to the MIT Media Lab’s Backchannl feed, which will continue through the show. I hope you can join us! Paul and Hamsika student life webcast Admitted students of the Class of 2014! Wednesday, March 31st 8:00pm 10:00pm EDT
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Concept Paper Bullying - 1640 Words
General Santos Doctors’ Medical School Foundation Inc., ------------------------------------------------- Bulaong, General Santos City ------------------------------------------------- THESIS CONCEPT PAPER Group Members: Cherry Mae S. Bercero Date: June 24, 2013 Kenneth Jay M. Erasmo Florean Joyce J. Ramillano Keziah Keila C. Vallente Course: BS PSYCHOLOGY Part I. Research Topic / Area: The Level of Awareness on Bullying among Students of General Santos Doctors’ Medical School Foundation Incorporated Problematic Situation: The government of the Philippines recently approved a bill that would prohibit bullying in elementary and secondary schools throughout the country. The bill, now a law defines acts of bullying in†¦show more content†¦Most cases are among elementary pupils and high school students but it is among the college level students in which serious cases of bullying happen. Piskin (2003:555) mentions that, â€Å"Bullying in schools is a worldwide problem that can have negative consequences for the general school climate and for the right of the students to learn in a safe environment without fear.†Horne and Staniszweski (2003:431) note that almost every adult in the United Sates can remember a childhood experience of school aggression and almost every child can remember being a victim, a bully or a bystander to the bullying. Furniss (2003:9) mentions that bullying in school causes widespread negative experiences such as misery, distress, fear, anxiety, anger and helplessness. According to Hammond (2006:14), â€Å"Educationists are reporting that violence amongst students are increasing and instructors as well as the counselors are complaining about the violent character and destructive habits of so many of the students they are assigned to work with.†Over the years, abundant studies have been conducted about bullying but most are focused on what are the effects of bullying in the different aspects of one’s life. Seldom are the studies about on how to avoid and limit bullying. And this is the sole reason why the researchers have come up with this kind of study. The researchers are not only interested to state the grounds and impacts of bullying among students in General Santos Doctors’Show MoreRelatedBullying Is A Social Problem For Decades Essay1224 Words  | 5 PagesBullying has been a social problem for decades. Bullying started out with name calling, but today bulling comes in different forms. 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Bullies began to send threatening text messages, send harassing emails, and use the likes of social networking sites to torment, humiliate, embarrass or target other students. Cyber bullying u ses e-technology as a means of victimising others by e-mail, chat room discussion groups, instant messaging, webpages or SMS (text messaging) ,with theRead MoreRelational Aggression : An Example Of Hostile Aggression710 Words  | 3 PagesThe issue that these students are facing is not only a bullying issue, but also a moral issue. The situation that is occurring between the year 6 girls, whom are within the middle childhood developmental period, is an example of hostile aggression. O’Donnell, et al. defines hostile aggression as the form of â€Å"aggression in which harm is sought as a goal†(2016, p. 165). In this case, hostile aggression is occurring because there is a social group who accept, value and expect aggression as a form of
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Letters of the Latin Alphabet Tracing Language History
The letters of the Latin alphabet were borrowed from the Greek, but scholars believe indirectly from the ancient Italian people known as the Etruscans. An Etruscan pot found near Veii (a city which was sacked by Rome in the 5th century BCE) had the Etruscan abecedary inscribed on it, reminding the excavators of its Roman descendants. By the 7th century BCE, that alphabet was used not just to render Latin in written form, but several others of the Indo-European languages in the Mediterranean region, including Umbrian, Sabellic, and Oscan. The Greeks themselves based their written language on a Semitic alphabet, the Proto-Canaanite script which may have been created as long ago as the second millennium BCE. The Greeks passed it on to the Etruscans, the ancient people of Italy, and at some point before 600 BCE, the Greek alphabet was modified to become the alphabet of the Romans. Creating a Latin Alphabetâ€â€C to G One of the main differences between the Romans alphabet in comparison with the Greeks is that the third sound of the Greek alphabet is a g-sound: Greek: 1st Letter Alpha Α, 2nd Beta Î’, 3rd Gamma Γ... whereas in the Latin alphabet, the third letter is a C, and G is the 6th letter of the Latin alphabet. Latin: 1st Letter A, 2nd B, 3rd C, 4th D, 5th E, 6th G This shift resulted from changes to the Latin alphabet over time. The third letter of the Latin alphabet was a C, as in English. This C could be pronounced hard, like a K or soft like an S. In linguistics, this hard c/k sound is referred to as a voiceless velar plosiveâ€â€you make the sound with your mouth open and from the back of your throat. Not only the C, but also the letter K, in the Roman alphabet, was pronounced like a K (again, hard or voiceless velar plosive). Like the word-initial K in English, the Latin K was rarely used. Usuallyâ€â€perhaps, alwaysâ€â€the vowel A followed K, as in Kalendae Kalends (referring to the first day of the month), from which we get the English word calendar. The use of the C was less restricted than the K. You can find a Latin C before any vowel. The same third letter of the Latin alphabet, C, also served the Romans for the sound of Gâ€â€a reflection of its origin in the Greek gamma (Γ or ÃŽ ³). Latin: The letter C sound of K or G The difference is not as great as it looks since the difference between K and G is what is referred to linguistically as a difference in voicing: the G sound is the voiced (or guttural) version of the K (this K is the hard C, as in card [the soft C is pronounced like the c in cell, as suh and not relevant here]). Both are velar plosives, but the G is voiced and the K is not. At some period, the Romans seem not to have paid attention to this voicing, so the praenomen Caius is an alternative spelling of Gaius; both are abbreviated C. When the velar plosives (C and G sounds) were separated and given different letterforms, the second C was given a tail, making it a G, and moved to the sixth place in the Latin alphabet, where the Greek letter zeta would have been, if it had been a productive letter for the Romans. It was not. Adding Z Back In An early version of the alphabet used by some ancient people of Italy did, in fact, include the Greek letter zeta. Zeta is the sixth letter of the Greek alphabet, following alpha (Roman A), beta (Roman B), gamma (Roman C), delta (Roman D), and epsilon (Roman E). Greek: Alpha Α, Beta Î’, Gamma Γ, Delta ÃŽâ€, Epsilon Ε, Zeta ÃŽâ€" Where zeta (ÃŽâ€" or ÃŽ ¶) was used in Etruscan Italy, it kept its 6th place. The Latin alphabet originally had 21 letters in the first century BCE, but then, as the Romans became Hellenized, they added two letters at the end of the alphabet, a Y for the Greek upsilon, and a Z for the Greek zeta, which then had no equivalent in the Latin language. Latin: a.) Early Alphabet: A B C D E F H I K L M N O P Q R S T V Xb.) Later Alphabet: A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T V Xc.) Still Later: A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T V X Y Z Sources Gordon AE. 1969. On the Origins of the Latin Alphabet: Modern Views. California Studies in Classical Antiquity 2:157-170. Verbrugghe GP. 1999. Transliteration or Transcription of Greek. The Classical World 92(6):499-511. Willi A. 2008. Cows, Houses, Hooks: The Graeco-Semitic Letter Names as a Chapter in the History of the Alphabet. The Classical Quarterly 58(2):401-423.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Latvia and Great Free Essays
Due today : Outline the answers to the following questions: Thesis: Before Peter the Great, Russia was more of an Asian nation than a European nation. A. Give one argument to support this statement B. We will write a custom essay sample on Latvia and Great or any similar topic only for you Order Now Bullet two ways by which Peter the Great tried to westernize Russia C. Name one territory he gained for Russia D. Explain one reason why Catherine the Great was interested in extending her empire to the Black Sea. A. Before Peter the Great, Russia was more of an Asian nation than a European nation. a. i. Before Peter the Great, no Russian had the courage to even try to convert Russia into an westernized, European nation. When Peter the Great acquired power, he improved the Russian army, remodeled the social and economic structure of Russia and conquered territory towards Sweden to gain access to the Baltic Sea. B. Peter the Great tried to westernize Russia by: a. i. Applying European culture, including: clothing and life style and even forcing men to shave their long beards. a. ii. Improving: industry, military, housing, trading, manufacturing and agriculture by more taxes. C. Peter the Great gained many territories from 1700 to 1721. Peter the Great led Russia in a war against Sweden. From this war, Russia gained control over territory along the eastern shores of the Baltic Sea. This land gave Russia a direct approach by water to the rest of Europe. Peter attacked Persia and conquered territory along the Caspian Sea. These conquests helped Russia to expand its trade with other countries. D. Catherine the Great was interested in extending her empire towards the Black Sea because: a. i. She wanted to continue the expansionist policies of Peter the Great and conquer the black sea in order to please Russia’s demands of sought warm ports. How to cite Latvia and Great, Papers
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Co-Branding free essay sample
Co-branding defines itself a s two or more companies forming an partnership, working together, creating marketing synergy. An example of this includes using a popular brand name ingredient in a brand name product. This is called Ingredient Co-branding. Another form of Co-branding called Composite Co-branding involves combining two distinct products together to form one marketable product. This benefits both retailers of said products. The difference between these two terms is the first is one product with a brand name ingredient and the second involves selling two products together. An example of the first term would be pizza advertized using real California cheese. The second would be Digorno Pizza and Toll House Cookies sold in the same package. All four companies enjoy advertizing and marketing by combining forces. This generates sales and saturation in the food market. The real cheese aspect of this touches on the health and organic food craze of today. We will write a custom essay sample on Co-Branding or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The charity and community service aspect sounds generous and implying goodwill. The disillusioning truth remains most corporations have little to do with the charity organization they align themselves with. The company might receive a tax break or refund for donating a percentage of sales to a charity but the bottom line for the company remains gaining profits and garnering a charitable image. The exception to this is the Ronald McDonald House. Despite some mold issues in a Tennessee Ronald McDonald House provides a place for the families of child cancer patients to be near their children and helps in the fight against child cancer. This provides a charitable and goodwill image for competitive advantage for McDonalds and help for child cancer patients and their families.
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